Chapbook, 4 pages (11 cm w x 14 cm h)
Artdog Press, 1991
ISBN: 0-921989-08-3
(Sold out)
Nina the famous Ukranian actress jumps off a bridge in Kiev. With original woodcut illustration by Clint.
“She was halfway across the bridge, on the narrow metal pedestrian walkway bolted like an afterthought to the side of the bridge, looking down through the open grating to the black water, when she had a sudden urge to drown herself. She placed her shoulderbag on the blue railing and looked around. Someone, a student, buzzed past on a muddy Vespa, trailing exhaust and a beige scarf. Nina flung herself over the railing and plunged into the water. The river was very dark, the water green and black and slightly tinged with blue, and heavy. It seemed to be filling up her pockets and boots and nose. The water was filled with little bits of dirt or air. She stripped off her clothing and boots and felt herself rise toward the surface where it was lighter. The place she had entered the river hanging above her a dull white star.”